Candle Our Lady of Charity$19.99 USD
Our Lady of Charity
La Virgen de la Caridad is the most profound symbol of the Cuban nation.
The story of Our Lady of Charity is a rather simple one. Like many other Marian apparitions, it occurred in a nameless place and involved ordinary people.
Around the year 1600, three boys were sent to gather salt needed to preserve the meat of the town’s slaughterhouse, which supplied food for the workers and inhabi...
Candle Nino De Atocha$19.99 USD
Nino De Atocha
Nino de Atocha, or the Sacred Child of Atocha, is portrayed as a young male pilgrim with a brimmed hat with plume and cape ornate or cloak with the St. James shell. He holds a basket of roses or food and staff.
Devotion to the Holy Child began in Madrid, Spain with Our Lady of Atocha as revealed by Spanish King Alphonse the Wise in the 1200s. The Child is the patron of pilgrims with legend having him roaming the land to bring help to the...
Candle 7 Archangels$19.99 USD
7 Archangels
Archangels are the highest rank of angels and these angels keep an eye on us. The seven most popular are regarded as the wisest, powerful guides and spiritual healers, that can help in all situations.
Michael "He who is as God," helps when you are struggling with fear, insecurity, energy, motivation, or removing unwanted spirits from a place.